Bangalore Katte Boyz (Authentic) page :-) This is authentic web site for Bangalore's fun loving Katte Boyz group.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Indian birds to be culled
What a joke? British colonized India for over 200 years. They looted everything they could, hunted animals freely and did all they could to break India to pieces. Their colonization caused much harm to us.
Now, they say Indian-parakeets are threatening their native species and they will be culled (Something picked out from others, especially something rejected because of inferior quality). What a joke?
Probably we should cull (reject) them since they had colonized most part of the world ? Cull them from earth? What say?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
ಸರಕಾರಿ ದಾಖಲೆ
ಚಿಕ್ಕವಳಿದ್ದಾಗ ಶಾರಿಯಾಗಿದ್ದ ನಾನು
ಬೆಳದಂತೆ ಶಾರದಾ ಅದೆ
ಮುಂದೆ ಮಕ್ಕಳಾದಂತೆ ಶಾರದಮ್ಮ
ನೆಂಟರಿಷ್ಟರಿಗೆ ಮಾವಿನಕೆರೆ ಶಾರದ
ಮೊಮ್ಮಕ್ಕಳಿಗೆ ಶಾರದಜ್ಜಿಯಾದೆ
ಆದರೆ ಸರಕಾರಿ ದಾಖಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ
ನನ್ನ ಗುರುತು ಹುಟ್ಟಿದಾರಬ್ಯ K. L. ಶಾರದಾ!!!
- ವಿದ್ಯಾಶಂಕರ್ ಹರಪನಹಳ್ಳಿ
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thought For The Day
- Guruji
Sunday, November 29, 2009
ಕನ್ನಡ ಚುಟಕಗಳು
ವರಲಕ್ಷ್ಮಿ ಎಂಬ ಹುಡುಗಿಯ
ನೊಡಲು ಬಂದ ವರ
ವರಧಕ್ಷಿಣೆಯ ಮಾತೆತ್ತಿದಾಗ
ನಮ್ಮ ಹುಡುಗಿ
ವರನಿಗೆ ನಾನೆ ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮಿಯಾಗಿರುವಾಗ
ಧಕ್ಷಿಣೆಯ ಮಾತೆ ಎಕೆ? ಎನ್ನಬೇಕೆ
ಸೂಟು, ಬೂಟು ಮತ್ತು ಸೌಟು
ಮದುವೆಯ ಮನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾವ
ಕೊಟ್ಟ ಸೂಟು, ಬೂಟು
ನಂತರ ಹೆಂಡತಿ ಕೈಗೆ
ಕೊಟ್ಲು ಬಾಂಡ್ಲೆ ಸೌಟು
ಎಲ್ಲಾರು ಮದುವೆ ಆದಮೇಲೆ
ಅದರೆ ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಚಾರಿ ಕಲಾಂ
ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರಕ್ಕೆ ಪತಿ!
Monday, November 16, 2009
ಮಳೆ ಮತ್ತು ಚಿತ್ರಸಾಹಿತಿಗಳು... (ಹಾಸ್ಯ ಲೇಖನ)
ಉತ್ತರ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಮಳೆ ಬಂದು ಜಲ ಪ್ರಳಯವೇ ಆಗಿಹೋಯ್ತು. ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಕಷ್ಟ ನಷ್ಟಗಳೆಲ್ಲ ಸಂಭವಿಸಿದವು. ಏಕೆ? ಏಕೆ ಎಂದು ನಾನು ತುಂಬಾ ಗಾಢವಾಗಿ ಆಲೋಚಿಸಿದಾಗ, ನನಗನಿಸಿದ್ದು ಇದಕ್ಕೆಲಾ ಕಾರಣ ಚಿತ್ರ ಸಾಹಿತಿಗಳೇ ಎಂದು!
ನೊಡೀ ಅಣ್ಣಾವ್ರು ಆಗಿನ ಕಾಲಕ್ಕೆ ವಾರ್ನಿಂಗ್ ಕೊಟ್ರು...
ಆದ್ರೆ ಯಾರೂ ಎಚ್ಚೆತ್ತು ಕೊಳ್ಳಲ್ಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಪಾಪ! ಒಂದು ಹುಡುಗಿ ಹಾಡಿದಳು
ಅದಕ್ಕೂ ಯಾರು ಏಚ್ಚೆತ್ತುಕೊಳ್ಳಿಲ. ನಮ್ಮ ಸರ್ಕಾರ, ಹವಮಾನ ಇಲಾಖೆಯವರು ಯಥಾ ಪ್ರಕಾರ warning ignore ಮಾಡಿಬಿಟ್ರು... ಯಾರು ಗಮನಿಸಲಿಲ್ಲ...
ಅಮೇಲೆ ಮಳೆ ಬಂತು. ಈ ಸಿನಿಮಾದವ್ರು ಮಳೆ ಬಂತು ಅಂತ ಖುಷಿಯಿಂದ ಕುಣಿದಾಡಿಬಿಟ್ರು. ಎನೆಂದು...
"ಮಳೆ ಬಂತು ಮಳೆ ಮಳೆ ಮಳೆ...ಹನಿ ಹನಿ ಹನಿಯಗಿ ಬಂದಿತು..." (ಸಿನಿಮಾ : ಮಳೆ ಬಂತು ಮಳೆ)
ಹೀಗೆ ಕೆಲವರು ಅಬ್ಬರದಿಂದ ಹಾಡಿ ಕುಣಿದರೆ, ಕೆಲವರು ಕಾವ್ಯತ್ಮಕವಾಗಿ ಹಾಡಿದರು, ಎನೆಂದು...
"ಮುಂಗಾರು ಮಳೆಯೇ... ಎನು ನಿನ್ನ ಹನಿಗಳ ಲೀಲೆ" (ಸಿನಿಮಾ :ಮುಂಗಾರು ಮಳೆ)
ಹೀಗೆ ಕೆಲವರು ಕಾವ್ಯತ್ಮಕವಾಗಿ ಎಂಜಾಯ್ ಮಾಡಿದ್ರೆ ಎನ್ನು ಕೆಲವರು ಡೇಂಜರಸಾಗಿ ಹೀಗೆಂದರು....
"ಬಾ ಮಳೆಯೆ ಬಾ...ಅಷ್ಟು ಬಿರುಸಾಗಿ ಬಾರದಿರು.." (ಸಿನಿಮಾ : ಆಕ್ಸಿಡೆಂಟ್ (ಹೊಸಾದು) )
ನನ್ನ ಹುಡಗಿ ಬಂದ ಮೇಲೆ ಜೊರಾಗಿ ಬಾ, ಅವಳು ವಾಪಸ್ ಹೊಗ್ದೆ ಇರ್ಲಿ ಅಂತ ಡೇಂಜರಸಾಗಿ ಹಾಡಿದರು.
ಆಮೇಲೆ ಮಳೆ ನಿಂತು ಹೋಯಿತು ಆದ್ರು ಇವರ ಹಾಡು ಮುಗಿಲಿಲ್ಲ ನೋಡಿ...
"ಮಳೆ ನಿಂತು ಹೋದ ಮೇಲೆ ಹನಿಯೊಂದು ಮೂಡಿದೆ..." (ಸಿನಿಮಾ : ಮಿಲನ) ಎಂದು ಹಾಡಿದ್ರು
ಅದೆಲ್ಲಾ ಆಗಿ ಮಳೆ ನಿಂತ್ರು ಇವ್ರ ಮಳೆ ಹುಚ್ಚು ಬಿಡಲಿಲ್ಲ ನೋಡಿ!
ಎಲ್ಲೋ ಪಕ್ಕದ ಊರಲ್ಲಿ ಮಳೆಯಾದ್ರೂ ಇವ್ರು ಅದಕ್ಕೂ ಒಂದು ಹಾಡು ಕಟ್ಟಿದ್ರು..
"ಎಲ್ಲೋ ಮಳೆಯಾಗಿದೆ ಎಂದು ತಂಗಾಳಿಯು ಹೇಳುತಿದೆ" (ಸಿನಿಮಾ :ಮನಸಾರೆ)
ಈ ಹಾಡುಗಳನ್ನೆಲ್ಲಾ ಕೇಳಿ ವರುಣ ಸುರಿಸಿದ್ದೇ ಸುರಿಸಿದ್ದೂ...ಸುರಿಸಿದ್ದೇ ಸುರಿಸಿದ್ದೂ..ಜಲ ಪ್ರಳಯನೇ ಆಗಿಹೋಯ್ತು. ಸಾಗರದಲ್ಲಿ depression, oppression, suppression.... ಮಳೆಗೆ ಬರಿ ನೆಪ ಬಿಡಿ. ಅಷ್ಟೊಂದು ಮಳೆ ಬಂದು ಬೆಳೆ ಹಾಳಾಗಿ, ಜಲಪ್ರಳಯನೇ ಆಗಿಹೋಯ್ತು.
ಈ ಚಿತ್ರಸಾಹಿಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ನನ್ನ ವಿನಂತಿ ಏನಂದ್ರೆ...ಹಾಡು ಬರೆಯೋ ಹಾಗಿದ್ರೆ ಬಿಸಿಲ ಬಗ್ಗೆ, ಬಳ್ಳಾರಿ ಬಿಸಿಲ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಬರೀರಿ. ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಬಿಸಿಲು ಮೂಡಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಪ್ಯಾಂಟು ಚಡ್ಡಿಗಳಾದ್ರೂ ಒಣಗಲಿ.
ಬಿಸಿಲ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಏನಂತ ಬರಿಬಹುದು ಒಂದೆರಡು ಸ್ಯಾಂಪಲ್,
ಇಂಥ ಹಾಡು ಕೇಳಿ ಸೂರ್ಯ ಹೊರಗೆ ಬಂದು ನಮ್ಮ ಚಡ್ಡಿಗಳಾದ್ರೂ ಒಣಗಲಿ.
ನಾನು ಹೀಗೆಲ್ಲಾ ಚಿತ್ರಸಾಹಿತಿಗಳನ್ನ ದೂರುತ್ತಾ ಇದ್ದಾಗ ಅವ್ರು ಏನಂದ್ರು ಗೊತ್ತಾ?
"ಬಿಸಿಲಾದರೇನು... ಮಳೆಯಾದರೇನು...
ಹೀಗೆಂದು ಪಾದಯಾತ್ರೆ ಮಾಡಿ, ಹಣ ಸಂಗ್ರಹಿಸಿ, ನೆರೆ ಪರಿಹಾರ ನಿಧಿಗೆ ಕೊಟ್ರು. ಅವರೆಲ್ಲ ಒಳ್ಳೆಯವರು ಅವರಿಗೆಲ್ಲ ಒಳ್ಳೆದಾಗ್ಲಿ....
"ಜೈ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ, ಜೈ ಭುವನೇಶ್ವರಿ...."
Saturday, November 7, 2009
ತಾಯಿ ನಸು ನಕ್ಕಳು!
Monday, August 10, 2009
ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ನೀರು ಮಿನೆರಲ್ ವಾಟರ್
ಕುಡಿಸಿ ಬೆಳಸಿನೆಂದು
ಜಂಭ ಕೊಚ್ಚಿದ ಅಪ್ಪನಿಗೆ
ಪುಟ್ಟನು ಕೇಳಿದ
ಇಷ್ಟೆಲ್ಲಾ ಪರಿಸರ ಹಾಳು ಮಾಡಿದ್ದು ಯಾರು?
ಮರ್ಯಾದಾ ಪುರುಷೋತ್ತಮ ರಾಮ
ತಲೆಕೆಟ್ಟ ರಾವಣ ನನ್ನ ಹೆಂಡತಿಯ
ಹೊತ್ತ್ಯುದಾಗ ಯುದ್ಧ ಮಾಡಿ ಬಿಡಿಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಬಂದೆ
ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಅದು ಮರ್ಯಾದೆಯ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ!
ಅಗಸನ ಮಾತಿಗೆ ಪ್ರಜಾ ಆರೋಪಕ್ಕೆ ಅಂಜಿ
ಮತ್ತೆ ಬಸರಿ ಹೆಂಡತಿಯ ಕಾಡಿಗೆ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿದೆ
ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಅದು ಮರ್ಯಾದೆಯ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ !!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Destination unknown
Read this amazing blog. Our guy from Namma Bengaluru has traveled alone in Bike from Bengaluru to Srinigar, Kashmir. This blog has got lot of amazing pics too. He left Bengaluru on March 11 and probably has traveled only a short distance before he reaches his destination.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Coming Soon...!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
namma kannada
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Some feeble sound disturbed his deep sleep…..the same irritating “beep beep… beep beep...”. He woke up…it was 5:30 in the morning. His legs were still aching. They were traveling non stop for 2 days now without proper rest. It involved a lot of walking too. He tried to wake up his wife…. “shut off that irritating sound and sleep…. I think u are not human… who will think of waking up this early after traveling so much….” And she went back to sleep. “Mechanical alarm clocks are so sweet to hear…. Its only with these electronic stuff we get irritated…” he said with a grin on his face…. His wife looked at him with “that” pissed off look on her face…He didn’t want to get beaten up early in the morning. So thought its better he leaves the scene. He went out of the hotel and into the park with a mug of coffee and a cigarette…. Sun was rising…. What a sight it was…. Snow clad mountains and a lush green park in front….what a way to start the day….
They were done with the packing. Bread, juice, umbrella… the list goes on. After checking everything for the umpteenth time his wife pronounced them good to go. He said… “if it were to be me alone it would have been just a water bottle, some biscuits, a camera and a couple of cigarette packs…. Look at this big bag we ( I ) have to carry now!.... haven’t you studied anything about efficient ways of getting things done?!.... we Mech guys are so smart like that”. His wife said “shut up and get going…. Don’t delay by talking bullshit again now….I don’t want to run to catch that stupid train again…theres always a limit to being punctual… likewise our railways are better…. They always have 5 minutes for passengers arriving late”…..
They locked the door, handed over the keys at the reception and walked out of the hotel into a pollution free world. It was their 3rd day in Swiss and every moment was eventful. Today the plan was to go to a mountain and they had to take a cable car to go to the top of it. They boarded the train. He was all excited as he had never done this before. Wife was all consumed in the views of mountains and the surrounding greenery and went on showing off her photography skills all along the way.
They reached the next destination where they were supposed to buy tickets for the cable car. Till now all he used to do in situations like these was to hand over some cash to his wife and the rest was done. Till she came back he used to quickly enjoy a cigarette. So as usual even this time he gave her his wallet and took out a stick. He was about to light when she sad…” I think u are smoking too much nowadays. You go buy tickets this time and I will be back in a while… the shop ahead has some nice handbags…. And let me keep
“wohin..??”…asked the lady at the desk by fanning the air around her nose….He realized his wife was right. His breath was stinking after he had smoked. Since he came onsite he was smoking a bit too much. “Nach Titlis….. zwei personnen….und wir haben die Swiss pass”….some broken German since she could not understand English. He showed her the passes, collected the tickets and left the counter. He heard some loud conversations as soon as he left the counter, of course it was in German and as usual he didn’t bothered much …..
“I hope u have got the proper tickets…”….. his wife said tauntingly after she realized that he had smoked. “Baby!....we Mech guys are programmed to do things right….we are real world people….we don’t work in cyber space….just follow me…” ….. she got terribly irritated… threw the cigarette pack that she had snatched from him at his face and started walking… he loved doing this…. ;)…..
Beautiful landscape… snow, mountains, green everywhere around…..reached the cable car place… took a nice ride to the top. “see… no computers in these…. All mechanical stuff….. no electronics to confuse and malfunction… just clean visible technology…”…. Wife ignored him and went on with her photography. He had a weird grin on his face which irritated her even more and made her look elsewhere. He enjoyed the view around humming a song.... "bahut pyaar kartein hain...tum ko sanam......"
They reached the top… wow!!... what a view….alps, alps and alps all around….covered by snow….. a rare sight for people like them…. for it doesn’t snow in tropical weather. His wife was calmed down a bit by the beautiful scenery around. He decided not to irritate her again… at least not today. His wife was clicking as if there was no tomorrow with his camera and he loved his camera very much. He didn’t want her to chuck it at his face…. For it was not a cigarette pack. After getting done with everything they started on their way back. Cable car again…. He opened his mouth to say something…suddenly she said….”yea yea… I know…. No computers in these…..”...ok…. he has become too predictable or his wife has understood him too very well….
They reached the same railway station where they had bought the tickets to the cable car…. He saw the same lady behind the counter…. He went to her and enquired a bit about their next journey…. Turned around and went ahead to light a cigarette….. again he heard that lady talking to someone loudly in German….. probably she might have got way too irritated by the smell of cigarette reeking out of him…..He wondered how his wife puts up with him with all these…..that too all day long!.....and now for her entire life to come....
They boarded their next train. The train started and they immediately slept off, for they were too tired roaming around walking.
In his sleep, he was dreaming of someone poking his shoulders with a sharp object, a pen might be. “hellooo…….helllllloooooooo…”… these recorded electronic alarms nowadays have gotten so irritating…. he opened his eyes to shut it off and go to sleep again…. Saw someone in uniform standing in front of him….. “auswisen bitte…” asked the visibly irritated man. Probably the officer, a ticket examiner, had tried waking him up for a bit too long now. He opened the travel pouch and God damn it!!!.... no passes there!!!!!.... He waked up his wife and asked her…. No use… even she didn’t knew….He was sweating all over… He just imagined the amount of fine they ( He) would have to pay…..He requested the officer to give him some time so that he can properly search the bags…. The officer, irritated again, agreed hesitantly and left the scene. He wiped out the sweat trickling down from his forehead and asked his wife if she remembered anything at all about the passes. “I remember a Mechanical engineer went out to buy the tickets with those passes in the morning” came the reply. It was like someone has hit him with a frying pan on his face. Shit!......He thought about the fine amount and started sweating again….. wife said she has to use the wash room to get her hair done and left. Look at her!!... here he is sitting in he middle of no where thinking what to do for tickets and she’s worried about her hair do!.... He looked out of the window. Suddenly all the so far beautiful mountains started looking like just heaps of rocks…. How situations influence our perceptions!.....
Wife came back with a satisfied look on her face of having done something really great. She was all smiles and humming a song...."antintha heNNu naanalla.....nannantha heNNu yaaroo illa.." . He got terribly irritated but kept mum. She saw that and started humming even more loudly. He went to the wash room…. Splashed some water onto the face… and went to the officer to tell him that he has lost the passes and will pay the penalty for traveling without them. The officer saw him and said something in German which again he understood very less. He told the officer that he has lost his passes and will pay the penalty. The officer said something again in German and was pointing at someone standing right behind. He didn’t even bother to turn around and see who was that. “Ich versteht nur etwas Deutsch… bitte sprcen Sie aus English”….. Right then…he heard a loud laughter behind him…. Even the officer started giggling. He turned around to see his wife rolling over the floor and laughing. The officer patted on his back and left. It didn’t take him much time to realize what had happened and was getting prepared for the worst. And then it came… “Your Mechanical engineering is getting obsolete…. Its electronics and software which controls most of the machines now…. At least stop doing it from now on”.
He had forgot the passes at the ticket counter where He had bought the tickets for cable car ride. That lady at the counter had called him to collect them but he didn’t understood and had ignored. His wife, probably plotting a revenge since God knows when, had collected the passes from that lady but didn’t tell him about that. As I said earlier, by then, probably she would have guessed how the scene will be, for he had become so predictable for her….
And since then… its Mechatronics in his life. A new technology for both of them….. J
Friday, May 22, 2009
Irony of Gavaskar's theories
In the hind-sight, before the IPL, any body who has a zilch knowledge of cricket would have guessed that playing in South-Africa would be challenging for the young Indian players who have played before, only in placid Indian pitches. But, unfortunately, the great thinker Gavaskar is, parrots the same thing again and again, as if he is the only person under the sun, who has predicted this great phenomenon. But the wonder of the situation is, the South-African pitches played in this IPL have been no different than any other Indian cricket pitch. The pitches have been wobbly and placid, and performance of spinners have been great example of state of the pitches in South-Africa this IPL. Still, our guy Gavaskar goes on and on about the In-capability of Indian players managing the Fast and Bouncy South African pitches. I hope, somebody teaches Gavaskar to talk about other things, which are happening other than this.
Yesterdays match between Royal Challengers (RC) and Deccan Chargers (DC) was a very good example of the capability or incapability of the players. The match was played on a strong pitch, which had nearly all the qualities of the South African pitch. A 19 year old kid, who has probably never seen anything else other than an Indian pitch (or Malaysian temporary pitches) played a brilliant innings and hits a century. This was in a circumstances where, No Indian has ever hit a century in IPL, either in India or South Africa. I started wondering what does Mr. Gavaskar has to say on this subject? He was no where to be seen yesterday, unfortunately.
The second theory of Gavaskar in this IPL was about run-outs. He increases the tone of his voice every time, when he says "One person has to call for the run". I wonder in disbelief who under the sun decides, who has to be the caller? In most scenarios, the situation is very clear as One batsmen is always in a situation to decide on a run and he decides to be the caller. But, most run-outs occur when both batsmen have the ability to decide, and the decision taken by both players are opposite, this leads to confusion and hence leads to run-out. And by the nature of T20 matches, which are fast paced and relatively new format, the factors affecting (Speed of the fielder, natural throwing hand, history of fielding skills, situation of the game, etc. etc.) the decision for RUN are varied and 2 players making the same decision is still improving as players gain experience of the format. Over and above this, players of different nationality, different strengths, different religions, different styles playing together makes more of a confusion and takes time, for players to reach consistent analysis for making a decision on a Run.
Man! complex entity this, taking a decision for a run. But good thing is, the batsmen do not get run-out every time they run. That is because, players use the age-old learning, (parrated by Gavaskar) and hence they do not get run-out every time. As most players are experienced in One Day and Test format of the game, there skills are honed to that affect. I am sure, with the experience of players increasing in the T20 format of the game, there ability to decide on a run will become more consistent and hence reduce the run-outs in the matches. I hope Gavaskar sees this fact and relieves the viewers of his irritating repetitions.
I was wondering and discussing with friends year or 2 back, why Gavaskar doesn't take a coaching opportunity etc. I guess it is easier to blabber theories on TV, rather than fail in implementing them. God save us from this dreadful commentary. And now I wonder, which team can risk implementation of these theories?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My theories and my wife's actions
"What? I won’t come with you", she said with rage
"Pick the name of our daughter that I want", I said in a strong voice
She coolly refused and kept a name of her choice
I told her to wait for recession to end to buy gold
She purchased it and said my thinking was very old
I asked, "Will you ever agree to any of my actions"?
She said, "Yes, but I take care of all your transactions"
I have realized that I am just a man of theory
She controls all my actions just like a magical fairy
I know by now that she is a woman of action
Whatever she does is always right, that’s my satisfaction :-)
Monday, May 11, 2009
My daughter's naming ceremony
At the beginning, we performed Ayushya homa. Ayushya homa is performed to pray to Lord Mrityunjaya (Rudra deva) to give long life to the person. It was Markhandaya rishi who originated this homa for longitivity of life. It involved offering ghee, sammit and rice to Agni deva, who will make sure to deliver the offerings to respective gods. Probably, Agni deva is the first known person who started the courier service ;-)
Then we performed Jatakarma homa. Jatakarma homa is again performed for a reason. When the child is in the mother's womb, it would have swallowed unwanted substances. Jatakarma is performed to purify the body of the child. This also includes purifying the pancha Indriyas. I took out my ring, dipped it in honey and made my baby lick the honey. I hope this will please the gods :-). Also this would make baby's life as sweet as honey :-).
Then the naming ceremony started. Her sweet and short name was finally revealed to everyone. And it's "Sampada", cute isnt it. This name is my wife's choice. Though I had a different name in mind, my wife scored over me. No regrets for me. I really love this name. For those of you, who are thinking what Sampada means, "Wealth", "Wealthy" or "Fortunate". Abhimani devate (owner) for this name is goddess Laxmi. Her janma nama or the name as per her nakshatra is "Tejaswini". That’s the name chosen by me and not by my wife. So I win here :-).
Take a look at these web links
Finally we performed "Annaprashana". Here again, before the child actually starts eating food other than milk, we have to again pray to god to give strength and knowledge by eating satvik food. We got a cup of "kheer" or "payasam" in a silver cup. I again took out my ring and dipped in kheer and made my baby taste the kheer. So she is all set to eat all the pani puri, bhel puri or masale dosa in DVG road. :-)
That was how the ceremony went. I loved every bit of it.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Man, Woman and Understanding
Human personality gets formed by numerous amount of factors starting from the day of birth (or conceiving probably). To name a minimum few they are, upbringing by parents, neighborhood, education, friends, place, etc. etc. To stress again, this is a bare minimum list, each and every second of life impacts us in different ways. It is up to the individual how he perceives the scenarios of his/her life and what he/she/it understands from those scenarios. It is practically next-to-impossible to list all the factors which have made up the personality of person. Because of these huge amount of factors involved, a person understanding themselves itself is a big deal, live alone understanding of other person. Lot of philosophies have written loads of text on the matter of understanding oneself.
In spite of all these difficulties in understanding a person, I must admit, women have some special ability to understand their man. Some examples that I have seen are, women typically know the reason of their man being angry (Man himself might not know), women knows the needs of their man better than man himself, Women know the likings/disliking of their man, Women can pick-up cloths which a man will like (but the opposite probably is never true) etc. etc. I am sure each of you will have more examples for yourself to ponder upon. Despite of this understanding of their man, women, I have seen haven't shown much of understanding of themselves. But, in case of the children, women show an amazing clarity of understanding, which a man never can even dream of achieving I guess. This whole issue of Women's strength and weakness of understanding looks very complex.
As usual, I cannot stop myself from analyzing the reasons behind such great powers of the women.
From the days of hunter/gatherer humans, typical structure of a family is, Man has the responsibility of earning food, and woman has the responsibility of managing the family. Because of the responsibility, a typical man is always outside the house figuring out ways to earn the food for the family. (For most of the human life on earth, humans had to use physical energy to earn their food) When a man is home, typical objective of a man is to have rest, so that he can be ready for earning food the next day. Whereas typical woman, had the responsibility of taking care of family. Managing a family meant, managing the resources (food, money, house, utilities etc.) and managing the people (children, Man). Because of this responsibility, women have always put an effort to understand their Man, children, so that their needs are satisfied for the effective functioning of the family. Whereas, a man has never had a need to understand the woman to perform his duties for the family, only thing he had to know was the ways to earn his food. The balance of the family is maintained because of this, and the whole family lived happily.
For thousands of years, the responsibilities of a family has been structured in this way. And hence, women have built the skills needed to manage their family effectively. One of the skill being, understanding the people, especially the husband, they have mastered effectively. Probably over the years some of these skills have got into the gene of a women. Lately, there has been an argument for women making better managers than Men in corporate world. I guess the reason is, Women have been performing the role of managing the resources and people in a house-hold from thousand of years, it is very natural that they extend these skills to manage a corporate.
Over last 300 years, with the industrial revolution and all the technological innovations which have happened in the world, the need for physical effort to produce food has decreased considerably (The decrease has been continuously happening from last 3000 years starting with invention of wheel etc. But the industrial revolution has reduced the physical effort exponentially). With the advent of mechanization in clothing, making utensils, medicine, etc. in the society, the effort needed to manage an house-hold has reduced considerably also. The effort needed by both a Man and Woman to perform their duties in a family has been reduced considerably over last 2 centuries. Hence both Man and woman have put effort to re-define their roles in the family. The effect is clearly visible with the changing social structures, husband and wife working, decrease in importance of broader family, etc.
With the changing roles, the need for an Man for understanding his wife has increased exponentially over last 100 years. I believe, in today's world, more and more men are putting effort to understand their wife. I need to say, I have seen some who have even succeeded to a very large extent. Today's women, also expect their man to put effort to understand them, and hence the failure of a Man is more visible, when they fail and say "I do not understand my wife" in frustration.
In the historical days, woman looked for qualities like, ability to earn, strength, social status etc. in a man for choosing a husband. Whereas man looked at the qualities related to managing the family in a woman. With the nature of the world changing, today, both woman and man look at the qualities of "understanding, compatibility" in marriage.
Though, woman have head start of thousands of years in skills of understanding people, Man is making all efforts to learn the skills and continuously improve upon the skills, to live in the changed world. Best of luck for all Men! Failure is the stepping stone for success.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What is better than money? (Rajan Acharya’s story)
I was born and brought-up in typical Indian middle class family in Bangalore. We are four children to our parents. I was third son of Mrs. Vedavathi Acharya and Mr. Ranganath Archarya. I have two elder brothers and one younger sister. To my parents luck, we were all bright in studies and that presented a new problem when we started going to college later. My father was a school teacher and my mother, a house wife or home maker.
People say, children are innocent and they live in their fancy imaginary world and don’t realize the problems of the adults. But at early age I experienced and understood my family’s financial constraints. There was just enough money to pay school fee and no money to buy toys, story books, new clothes or my big attraction, bicycle.
In school, everyday we had to wear school uniform, blue shorts and white shirt, except on Wednesday. Wednesday we were allowed to come in clothes of our choice or as we kids use to say ‘color dress’. I used to look forward for Wednesday with lot of embarrassment, as there would be a clear distinction of social class we belong to. Although not many rich children were there in our school, but their dominance was such that we could see them all over the place. Their high class in society was acknowledged one way or the other by teachers, school peons or head master himself.
As a kid, I used to wonder why some people live so comfortably and we live with so much financial restriction. Why government is not paying big salary to school teachers?
One day after dinner when my father was in good mood, I asked him “Father, why don’t you do some business and earn more money like others?” He was puzzled by my question and then laughed and said “I don’t have big money to invest in business and your grandfather left me with lot of loans as inheritance but not a property!” I did not give up, I knew we could take loans and do a business and said the same to him, to which he said no one including government gives loan for a school teacher like him. Then he tried to make issue light by making comic statements. I started wondering that “Oh God! Then there is no way to get out of this rut?”
My question was answered soon. One fine day, Viswanath who was my maternal uncle’s eldest son, visited us. He had just completed engineering and had got a job as lecturer in the same college where he studied. He was a star or rather a superstar among our relatives. He was bright in studies and good looking and he seemed to know everything in the world. Everybody used to adore him and longed for his company. Every mother and father among our relatives used to quote him as a shining example for everything. Not to mention about his gold medal in engineering.
Viswanath had got a wonderful offer from Bombay engineering college for a Research Assistance Engineer post, from well know Professor Dr. Bhave. Dr. Bhave was well known scientist and even prime minister of India used to take his opinion on every science and technology matter. Then Viswanath promptly resigned to his lecturer job in Bangalore University and was getting ready for his new job in Bombay. Before moving to Bombay he wanted to visit all the close relatives. So he was visiting us on that Sunday.
That day my mother prepared special food and mainly sweet ‘Obbattu‘, which was Viswanath’s favorite.
Viswanath came to our home on Sunday afternoon. My father greeted him and asked him about his parents and new job in Bombay and all that. As a kid I was mesmerized by seeing Viswanath. My brothers and sister went out to play after few minutes. But I stayed on and sacrificed my Sunday evening play time to spend time with him. I snatched water jug and glass from my mother and served Viswanath before offering coffee. When my father and Viswanath were having coffee I stood in front of them smiling ear-to-ear for no apparent reason.
Everything and every moment about Viswanath seemed to be so graceful. I just stayed in hall and was listening to the conversation between my father and Viswanath. After sometime he said he wanted to go out and meet his friend. When he was back, he bought big Dairy Milk chocolates for all us children. Needless to say, my parents would never buy us anything more than éclairs. And then we had festival dinner with everybody competing to eat “obbattu”. Before leaving, Viswanath had some kind words for us to study well and earn good marks to become successful. I listened to him with my eyes wide open and decided to become like Viswanath.
After Viswanath left for Bombay, it took three months of hard work to get 2nd rank in quarterly test and six months to get 1st rank. Once I had hold on 1st Rank, I never turned back. I wrote a letter to Viswanath to inform my achievement, he wrote back praising me for the success and encouraging me to continue my effort in studies.
I went to join the same engineering college in which Viswanath studied. When I completed my engineering I was happy to see my name on topper board along with Viswanath. In fact I had got 12% more than he had got. I wrote to him teasingly about that. He replied saying marks are like money, due to inflation I have had more marks than him but of less value!!!
By the time I joined engineering my elder brothers had finished their degrees and diplomas and had started working. This had considerably improved our financial situation. Coming first rank in the school and colleges had its own benefits: one scholarship, concession in school/college fee and respect from fellow mates and teachers. If I have to be honest I enjoyed scholarships more than anything else. Like Viswanath I too became popular among friends and relatives.
After engineering I had job offer from private companies and engineering colleges, including the one I studied. Then I consulted Viswanath, who had married and settled down in Bombay by that time. He advised to go for higher studies. Although I wanted to do that, I was more eager to achieve economical independence. Against Viswanath’s advice I decided to take-up a job as a lecturer in a famous engineering college in Ooty. College management had promised me to send for higher studies with salary after completion of two years of service, which eventually they did.
When I was 28 years old my parents starting looking for a bride. I wanted to delay marriage as I wanted to make as much money as possible before getting married. I wanted to provide sufficiency of everything to my family. But, once when I was in Bangalore for holidays, my parents asked me to accompany them to a relative’s house. When we reached their house, there was something odd in the environment, I only realized later, on what was happening. That is when Ranjana came with coffee and snacks and kept it on the table. Ranjana was very beautiful, and my heart started beating wildly.
I realized that my parents had schemed, for me to meet Ranjana. My mind was confused, and my heart beating wildly even after we reached home. My mother came to my room, when I was reading magazine and slowly started talking to nobody in particular. She started talking about how beautiful the girl is, how good the family was, how good natured she was even after she doing engineering, not even a touch of ego etc. etc. After talking for about 10 minutes, my mother went away to do her chores. I was a mixture of anger and confusion, but didn’t tell anything to my mother.
Next day morning, my father called me and told me about the family and Ranjana formally. He told me “Things have to happen at a right time, money etc. will come later, and you cannot stop your life for that”. After all this lecture and formality, he asked me if I am ok to marry Ranjana. He waited for 3-4 minutes, before walking off. I was still confused. Just after my afternoon nap, mother came to my room with coffee. She asked me the question of marrying again. I agreed.
After marriage I took Ranjana to Ooty. She was a very mild and good natured person. Although, her cooking some times was awful, I had missed the home food from last 8 years, it didn’t bother me much. Before marriage, I was worried about my wife cribbing, crying and her asking for the sky every now and then. Ranjana was a gem; she adjusted to me very well and my lifestyle. She never asked for anything special and always adjusted with the things available at home. I was well respected in college and was easy for me to get a job for Ranjana in the college. She took up the opportunity without much fuss and questions. She was very good.
One day she announced that she is carrying. I was shocked, and answered “Ranjana! We didn’t need this now”. The whole night and next day I was thinking, my plan had toppled again. I wanted to have a certain bank balance, and the plan was to wait 2 years before having children. Next day when Ranjana, didn’t come to office I realized what had happened yesterday, and she must have felt very bad with my response. Who will not? I had given such a cold and bad response, even worst; I blamed her as if it was her problem. I didn’t know how to comfort her; I called my parents and told the good news. Luckily, my mother instantly told she would be coming the next day to visit us. After going home, when I told her about my parents visiting and helped Ranjana in her work, I could see she was returning to normalcy. My mother stayed on and helped us with the whole process of having the kid; I forgot my toppled plans and became ecstatic when I saw “Ranjini” for the first time in the cradle. I need to say, my mother was pain for me, pointing mistakes in me every now and then. I didn’t understand what was going through her mind; she had never been like this before.
I didn’t care much as I thought, “women and their sentiments, who can understand?”
One fine day I got a call from the Principal of the college. I was selected for an educational program to be done in an American university. The program was sponsored by Government of India and would be for one year. My college had proposed my name and I was selected based on my knowledge and credentials. I was proud to be selected for such a program and was ecstatic about the thing. The excitement was to go to USA and also to earn in dollars. Lot of my colleagues got jealous as my status inside the college increased and I obviously felt proud for that.
Once I was home, I broke the news to Ranjana with happiness. She looked perplexed but didn’t say no or argue or even question about it. I understood her worry and slowly explained her need for me to go to USA. I explained her from the money factor, how it will help Ranjini’s education, how it would increase my status in the community. The way I will get bigger/better salaries and how our lifestyle can change because of it. After all it was just for a year and all our dreams would be fulfilled after that. She didn’t show much happiness towards this, but didn’t negate me in any way. I was very happy.
Before leaving for USA, I made all arrangement so that Ranjana would be able to run the house with out any issue. I was very happy with the way she showed interest in learning things. I needed support from her during those days, and she provided that without complaints.
Life in USA was methodical and easy; according to my tastes I should say. It was difficult for me to adjust to food in the initial days; there were other Indians in the university and helped me in finding places to get Indian groceries. I quickly got impressed with the education system in the university and the facilities available to students and teachers. Education program was to understand the research methodologies in the American universities and I was also involved in a research project in metallurgy area to understand on-the-job scenarios of research.
The research group involved people from various countries, some students, some professors, some lecturers, etc a team of 35 people. I was supposed to be the temporary member of the team, as the research was panned for 3 years and I would be involved only for 6-8 months. Metallurgy was one of my interest areas and I took to the problem at hand with full energy and vigor. Back in India, I wouldn’t get the facilities to test my ideas in my college. I had made up my mind to make use of the facilities provided by the university. I started putting 15-16 hours a day of effort. I used to get frustrated, when I had to attend other courses, seminars, visit facilities, as part of main objective of being there in America.
I was in my dream land, and things like food, recreation never mattered to me even before coming to USA. Funnily I noticed my worry of making money slowly went into background. The research lead James was professor and had PHD in various areas. He was well known in the area of metallurgy and I remember one of the authors of my engineering text book was this guy. It was pleasure working with him, though he wouldn’t spend much time with me as I was doing not-so-important work. I used to call and talk to Ranjana and Ranjini once a week. In just a month are so after reaching USA, I used to get an urge to talk to them, but once I start talking to them, I realized their life and stories didn’t interest me much. At that point of time this didn’t worry me much, as I realized that there was something else which was dearer to me and I could survive my whole life learning and studying the nuances of science.
6 months into the program, I had made major breakthrough in my area of work. James was very impressed with my work. James got more impressed, when I proved some of the assumptions under which the research team was working were wrong. I was surprised by the positive response, when James accepted and appreciated me for my work in front of everybody. Back in my college my HOD had chastised me for arguing with him, though I was correct on a subject. There was no scope for ego or jealousy with James, an I felt happy for his appreciations. This breakthrough completely changed the track and plan of the research program. Happiest day in my life was when James asked me to stay on in the program till its completion. There were obvious problems of VISA, my government sponsorship, my college etc. James was heavily respected guy, and the research program was sponsored by one of the Fortune 100 companies. Once I provided my acceptance, which I did in no time, James could pull all strings and get the operational things covered for me. I was in dream land and started putting more energy into the research.
I never cared for money after this time, I never spent money as most of time was going into research, and most of my earnings directly into savings. There were no weekends for me and my social life was next to nothing. I had some good friends in the university and I used to visit them for lunch or dinner once in a while. James was a workaholic himself and with all the renewed energy we came to a very definitive answer to the problem we were researching on. Everybody in the core and the external team was thrilled that day. James took us all to a Pub that day. Though people had forced me to drink during my initial days in project, they had left me to be myself seeing my non-drinking resolve. This day, James was heavily drunk and was literally shouting appreciations about me. Somebody came up with the idea of forcing me to drink, James in no-time pushed a bottle of beer into my mouth and I couldn’t say no. James dropped me to my apartment at 10, my head was spinning a bit and I was struggling for air. It was a beautiful night with Moon clearly visible in the sky. I sat outside thinking about my whole life. About my child hood dreams, Viswanath, finishing engineering, craving for money, coming to USA, and I had not realized it was nearly 5 years and felt a satisfaction for my life. The acceptance and the respect I got from Americans, especially James was overwhelming.
The next 2 weeks, we had to do minor tests and the junior members of the team was writing the report. Most of my time went in guiding the members and finishing up with the job. Yeah, it was the day report was out, I remember. James came to me and took me for a coffee, he told me about another opportunity of research and asked me if I can join him for that. He will take care of all the other things and I could even bring my family also to USA. I told an instantaneous “Yes” to him. I called Ranjana the same day, sharing all the happy news with her. If I need to guess, I had talked more with her today than any other day, Not even when I had visited India 2 times for a holiday. I got an urge to talk to Ranjini, Ranjana called Ranjini but she didn’t talk to me. I felt irritated.
Next 2 weeks were free and I didn’t have much work to do. I visited friends and had dinner with them. Only question running in my head was “Why did Ranjini not talk to me?” I slowly started realizing that Ranjini wouldn’t talk to me most of the times I called. I started wondering if I was going away from my daughter? Those days were the worst, when I used to sit and think for long hours without able to understand the reason of what was affecting me. I lost all enthusiasm for life, and didn’t talk to James with enthusiasm when he came to discuss about the new project. I had booked my tickets to go to India and I thought about finding the answer when I will be there in India. This didn’t satisfy me, and I was slowly drilling myself to find an answer to my un-easiness. Some of my friends asked if there is any problem and they couldn’t comprehend why a successful man at the height of his success is not happy anymore. Forget them; even I couldn’t comprehend why I was not happy.
One of these days, I started thinking about my whole life again. That is when I realized, I was seeing the world only from my perspective. I never considered what Ranjana, Ranjini, my parents thought or felt regarding things. With this new realization, I started wondering where I had gone wrong. In my dream towards becoming financially strong I had not considered and given importance to any of my parents, Ranjana’s, Ranjini’s feelings toward me. When I was happy and Ranjini didn’t talk to me, I am unhappy. But the same me, used to cut the discussion in short when Ranjini used to tell about some thing in her school. I never listened or put effort in understanding anybody. Only thing I wanted was my happiness and I expected people around me to be happy because of that. How does a 10 year old kid, understand and care for my scientific achievement? It doesn’t matter. I felt a sort of peace of mind because of the newer perspective I was thinking.
Next few days were pathetic, as I was sitting in home on evenings. I couldn’t do anything and I could only think of the negatives that I had done to my family. The lack of belonging I had with my family was just killing me. In the evenings as I was sitting in my house, I felt alone. The loneliness slowly started irritating me in college also. One day, James approached me and asked me if there was a problem? I don’t know why, James and me never talked about personal lives before. But that day, when he asked I just broke down narrating my whole life story to him. He was surprised by the out-burst. He couldn’t tell anything and he was startled I guess. I was in a way very relieved and ghosts in my head were sleeping. Not sure why though.
That day when I was about to leave home, James came along with me to my apartment. He told me “the day I talked about this new project, I told, I would make arrangement so that your family can come stay with you. Did you notice that? I have wondered some times, how you are so attached to your work, without a family, and I didn’t enquire about it as I thought it would be indecent for me to ask”. I said, “I didn’t notice that, but as I spoke and opened to you today I realized very clearly, I had been unjust to my whole family. It is not just my wife and daughter. It is my parents, my brothers and my little sister. Whom I have loved so much and but never cared for them in any way. I haven’t even talked to by brothers and sisters in last 2.5 years after I came back from my last holiday. The way I have been raised is with family values and with love for everybody in the family and extended family. But in my efforts to make money first, knowledge and fame later on I completely dis-regarded everyone’s feelings. I didn’t even care to say a hello to the folks who love me so much. I never thought my wife and daughter had individual thoughts. I was only behind my happiness without realizing that people around me had their own way to achieve happiness. Today when I broke down in front of you, telling my whole life story, I released how unjust I have been to my folks. I have decided to go back to India and settle with my folks. I need to compensate for the injustice I have done to my wife, daughter, parents, brothers and sister, if that is compensation at all.” I started crying again; James just patted me on my shoulder and walked-off.
Next day I felt fresh with the new found truth, there was a review of our project report and I participated whole heartedly in that. At the end of the meeting James asked me to join him in his room. In the room he told me that, the company who had funded the project had a R&D center in Bangalore, India and if I wish so he would put in a word to hire me. He told, “I think this will help you to be with Love for research and Love for family together”. I told my thanks to him. That evening, the offer for a job was there in my hand.
That evening I called Ranjana and told about my plans, she was a bit confused with my talking; I could feel. I was getting uncomfortable, and I was about to break down again. I didn’t want to concern her in any way, I can wait to go back and explain to her. I quickly finished the call.
My life always has been extremes; my eagerness to make money was overtaken by my eagerness to get knowledge, fame, social status, and be something in life. Now when I achieved certain status both with money and fame, and have an opportunity to achieve more, I feel, I just want to live with my family. That is all.
-- Madhukar Hebbar
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
can poetry save the world?
also listen to the audio clip. comments invited.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I miss Mr. Bush
I realised today, generally I used to take about 25-30 Mins to browse through the news paper before Obama times. Typically I read only the headlines, and if some headline seems interesting, I read the article. Last 3-4 months, it takes just 15-20 minutes for me to read the news paper. If I have to drill down into my memory and see what was special before, it is all the interesting entertaining news which Mr. Bush used to create. Be it somebody “hurling a shoes” at him or “his use words of communicate something”, all made a very entertaining read, and much needed laugh to start the day with. The recent incident of a Journalist in Punjab hurling shoes at Mr. Chidambaram didn't have the same charm as Bush. Mr. Chidambaram was all political and diplomatic, killing the fun element in the whole scenario. Whereas the way Mr. Bush ducked the shoe-missile and commented later about the size of the shoe being 8, is the mark of great entertainer.
Mr. Bush had been providing us with the much needed entertainment in various forms, News paper articles about him, his speech, his meeting with a statesman of different country, etc. etc. Everything he did and everything he told was entertainment. Mr. Jug Suraiya one of the journalist in the Times of India (TOI) group even created a cartoon name Dubyaman, with Mr. Bush as a super-hero. (I think mostly these cartoons were not so funny, sheer presence of Mr. Bush made it readable.) I have read some of Mr. Jug’s other articles in TOI; it has always been a pain reading those. I must confess, I haven’t fully read even one of his articles. I would typically skip to another article just after reading first few lines of his articles.
Other than the newspapers, Mr. Bush has been the subject of numerous amounts of forward emails. For the individuals, whose aim in life is to send forward emails, it must be very depressing to not find enough subjects. I have a feeling that, the “Good luck emails” (The emails which are supposed to be forwarded to more people to bring good luck) have increased considerably after Mr. Bush has lost the presidency. This has basically stolen me of the mid-day fun seeing these emails. A complete statistical analysis on the forward emails probably will throw more light on this subject. (I am game to do the analysis, but obviously somebody has to be generous to give me the research grant)
Mr. Bush though branded by media and people in general as a bad man, stupid person, etc. never cared. Probably he was following his Dharma of entertaining people without giving much importance to what people talked about him. I guess he must have been one of those great souls, who followed the great philosophy (from Bhagavad-Gita). I rate Mr. Bush, very next to one Mr. Charles Chaplin with respect to entertaining the public, and bringing smiles to peoples face. Probably Mr. Bush would have touched more hearts than Mr. Charles Chaplin. Another area for research, Institutions and organisations have to come forward to invest in research on these subjects. I believe, the output of the research will help improve the mental health of people of the world.
Mr. Bush, if you ever read this piece, I miss your smiling face on the television. I miss your charm and talk when dealing with the gravest problems facing the world. You do not have to be president to entertain. Please take world tours, and you will be on media again. I guess this is what all the retired presidents do, why are you not doing this? I hope to see you back again in media. Thanks for all the entertainment.
I being a pessimist started thinking, what happens if Mr. Bush never comes back in prominence in media. Will the world continue like it is now? Will I go into depression? Who else can save the world? Tunnnnnn… The bell rang in my head, and a name came to my mind.
Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav.
Last 5 years, Mr. Lalu has subdued himself and has been staying out of the spotlight, as he wants to be Prime Minister of India one day. God knows, why he got this idea, it was probably because of all the negative publicity against him in the media (I get a feeling Mr. Bush never cared for all the negative publicity against him). Though, because of the great character he cannot miss being in spotlight once in a while. Nevertheless, his presence in media had decreased considerably over last 5 years, decreasing the importance of Indian politics in the media. A man, who can make most boring, recital of financial numbers, “Budget Speech”, entertaining, has to be respected for his humongous skills. I am sure; Mr. Lalu will get back his charm once he becomes a Primer Minister.
What we can do at this point in time, is to help Mr.Lalu become Prime Minister. My sincere request to all the readers is, NOT to vote for BJP or Congress, and to vote for any other candidate from any other party. Mr. Lalu has a chance to become PM this way. In this grave situation facing the world, people of India have a huge responsibility of saving the world from depression. Please use your “precious vote” towards saving the world.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My hand kerchief was private and exclusive
Till I got married...
Then I realized my wife has equal rights on it
Few years rolled on...
Now I learn that my son has full authority on it
I inquire myself...
Did I borrow it from my parent?
My mind melts in confusion…
But Love dissolves all boundaries
Now I gracefully experience the bliss
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Funny English
In a London Laundromat:
Outside a London second-hand shop:
Spotted in a safari park:
Seen during a London conference:
Notice in a field:
On a repair shop door:
At a Budapest zoo:
Doctors office, Rome :
Hotel, Acapulco :
In a Nairobi restaurant:
In a City restaurant:
In a Calcutta Coffee House:
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Response to religion and science
I do not agree with the above statement. I strongly believe that every individual in this world will do his actions for his own happiness. He/She will have an strong desire for worldly people and materialistic goods.
Mankind has lot of logic to believe that there is someone who has extreme or supernatural powers who is controlling everything.
This universe is the finest example. We know that the sun, moon and the planets are placed at some exact distance so that their orbits is properly arranged. If the sun were to say for ex: few miles/kms nearer to earth, would any creatures able to survive? If the moon was nearer to earth, would the sea and gravitational force be right enough for creatures to survive? Who is maintaining all these things at the right distance?
There obviously is some power which is doing so, and I call it supernatural power or God.
The next point you said is in earlier days, people believed that earth was flat etc which was disproved. And when someone said earth was round, people with religious faith opposed it. But what about now? Now, people do know that earth is round, still why do most of us believe that supernatural still exists? Should one theory which disproves earth being flat to round make us all believe that there is no supernatural power controlling us all? First there was a small plane, then came a big plane, then came supersonic, then came rocket, then came space shuttle., yet people believe in god, why? My point here is people keep digging deeper and deeper in science, but that should not make us believe that supernatural power does not exists, should it?
Another interesting point you made is about Darwin's theory which speaks about evolution. This theory is amazing which tells us how life begins. But how many of us know that Darwin's theory is very related to our Dashavatara. As per our mythology, the ten avataras of Lord Vishnu are Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Bouddha, Kalki
(Quoted from There is an amazing co-incidence between what modern science claims as the path of evolution of species and the 10 avataras of Lord Vishnu!
1. Matsya Avatar - Fish - oceanic creature
2. Kurma Avatar - Tortoise - amphibian
3. Varaha Avatar - Pig - Four legged species
4. Narasimha Avatar - Half lion/half man - Primitive man? Neanderthal man?
5. Vamana Avatar - dwarf - man learns to stand on his feet
6. Parashurama Avatar - axe wielding man - First use of tools, crude weapons
7. Rama Avatar - master archer - one of the best warriors
8. Krishna - master strategist
9. Buddha - renunciation
10. Kalki - destruction of evil - happens when evil has reached its zenith
So science and religion has crossed path here :-)
About Sati and Child marriage -- In earlier days, these were some "practises" that were followed. I know these were terribly wrong. But we all know that hindus were not courageous right from beginning of civilization. Many kings from Arab and Afghan invaded and looted Hindustan so many times, yet we never did anything good to protect ourselves. Probably a great wall of India would have been good, but its not there and we have to accept it. But what I am trying to say is people in India at old times were not courageous and did few things to save their women from being made slaves of powerful people. So they made sati or child marriage. But, these are never prescribed in any of our religious texts. (I am referring to Mahabharata, bhagavadgeeta etc). So this is not a religious belief, but wrong practice that was followed by our ancestors who were coward (this is my personal opinion).
Lets take another example. A child is born from the womb of a mother. In its 5th week, suddenly heart starts beating. Who starts it and why? And one day the heart stops beating. why does it have to stop and not beat forever? Can any doctor or science predict that this person will live exactly for this many days? Can someone say this person will become prime minister as soon as a kid is born? All these things cannot be controlled by any human being or science. So there has to be something more powerful than a man and that's supreme being and we call it god.
My intention to write this is just to say that, I believe that some supernatural power exists and I call it god. Some people do not believe so and its ok for them not to believe. Every individual is different in thinking. Last but not the least, maybe I have deviated from the original topic "Religion and science" here and there. My apologies for that.
Friday, March 27, 2009
ಯುಗಾದಿ ಹಬ್ಬದ ಹಾರ್ದಿಕ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು!
ಕಟ್ಟೆ ಬಳಗಕ್ಕೆ ಮತ್ತು ಓದುಗ ಮಿತ್ರರಿಗೆ,
ಯುಗಾದಿ ಹಬ್ಬದ ಹಾರ್ದಿಕ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು !

ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು ಕಟ್ಟೆ ಹುಡುಗರ ಬ್ಲಾಗ ಪರವಾಗಿ,
ವಿದ್ಯಾಶಂಕರ್ (VSS)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Religion and Science
I have listed definitions of Religion and science below, courtesy, The essay will use this as the base definitions to deliberate on the subject.
Religion: “a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.”
Science: “a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.”
As one can see, the glaring difference between the two is, Religion is based on “beliefs (faith)” and Science is based on “facts or truths”. Without going into much detail, we can see that “based on beliefs” and “based on facts” naturally form the opposite ends of spectrum of thought. At a high level, we can probably conclude that they cannot go hand in hand and never have a consensus on anything.
But is this truth?
Typically people believe something, when they do not know (understand) the fact. When they do know the facts, they understand something rather than they believe it. For example, people believe that “there is God”, whereas people understand that “touching fire burns”. When it comes to subject of “Purpose of Life”, “Who is God?”, “What will happen after we die?” etc. etc. type of questions, the facts (scientific truth) are not known by the human being and hence no facts associated with it. There are number of theories, some of the learned men have created to answer these questions. These theories are imbibed in the followers of various religions/castes/sects present in our society. Hence we can conclude that the “area of play” of Religion and Science is different. They are not opposites. In the scenario where scientific facts are not available, people are free to believe (have faith) in something which makes sense to them, (Typically theories, philosophies) with the purpose of finding the truth.
Over the years of human history, Religion and Science have been loggerheads with each other. Some of the glaring examples I remember are from the western society, where Copernicus, Galileo etc. had to face the wrath of the religion because, they proved a fact, which was against the general belief of the religion. The religious belief of the society was shattered by the revelation, and at that point in time not many people had the sense to try understanding and appreciating the fact in it. Darwin’s theory of evolution was not accepted by the Christian followers, as it provided a completely different view of the evolution than the Genesis theory in Bible. It took 200 years (Just recently in 2009, Vatican accepted the Darwin’s theory) for the religion to accept a very strong theory of Darwin. (Some of the evolutionary concepts can never be proved. Some of them related to Plants, Birds have been proved through the experiments and genetic engineering).
In our Hindu society, some of the examples of following of conflict between faith and science are the non-acceptance of staunch believers in the abolition of sati, child marriage, English Medicine (Still some villagers think, it is a sin to use them) etc. We can relate some of the ills of our society, back to faith and religion, and lack of factual thinking and lack of effort to find truth. Every society has got lot of good qualities also because of the belief in the religion, For E.g. Non Violence, Respect of others etc.. (I apologise, I couldn’t think of better examples of conflict between science and religion in our Hindu society. If reader can give some, it would help me.)
As we can see very clearly, through the Faith (Religion) and Fact (Science) act in a completely different “area of play”, their paths have crossed and ended mostly in a conflict. The reason is very obvious; the basic implementation (followed by people) of a belief is to believe without logic/reason. Unfortunately this has been the method of teachings of some of the religions hve followed to keep the support group strong. (“Never question God”. “It is written in the sacred book”. These are the statements which the preachers of such type of belief make). When a fact is proved, by somebody, it is a natural instinct (survival instinct) for a believer to instantaneously reject it. This is the reason that Religion and Science have not gone hand in hand most of the times.
When theory (logic) is thrown to counter a belief, the theory has to be countered with logic of the belief, instead of blind negation due to faith (Blind negation due to faith, will hamper the knowledge and hence the opportunity to know the truth). This process will give the best of both the “areas of play” to all the individuals. This process will make sure that, Religion and Science both benefit from each other.
One of the great examples of follower of the above process was Einstein. He was an avid reader of philosophy and religion. He has also made some statements regarding the greatness of some of the religious theories and how it has helped him. He has even proposed some theories on “Meaning of Life”, “Purpose”, “Soul” etc. (This article gave me an opportunity to search and find this site today - One never knows where knowledge is available :-))
The example of greatness of this process in India is Shankaracharya; he traveled across the country, having arguments with the leaders, individuals, teachers of different beliefs. He spread his Advaitha philosophy across India though this method. There are examples of some great thinkers/philosophers accepting his theory after big discussions (Discussions with Mandana Mishra and his wife is very well documented one). One story about how an “Untouchable Fisherman” teaches the basics of his Advaitha philosophy (which Shankaracharya propagated) to himself is a wonderful example of the process. (Though both are theories, than facts, a stronger theory has a better logic and appreciating that will help in reaching the Ultimate fact.)
One can argue that, “Why have faith at all? When we do not know about certain thing, why not just accept and sit down saying, I do not know about this, I do not believe anything.”
Unfortunately the above thought process leads to inaction. If inaction is the happiness for somebody they can follow this. If the purpose is to understand the Truth of any matter, Faith becomes a very important vehicle. With the available knowledge, one will have to figure out the “unknown areas”, and start searching for answers in “unknown areas”. Since, the facts are not know, Faith is the vehicle which gives the individual the belief that the answer can be found. Faith is the vehicle which takes the individual across the difficult times in his search for the truth.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sixth sense device..amazing
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Short lived love story of Miss Sharadha - Part III
Part III Substitute for the Love
Sharadha and that stranger were sitting opposite to each at the corner table. He introduced himself as Shyam Babu. Conversion did not start easily. There was awkward silence between them. Sharadha was feeling she was under observation by all her colleagues and few customers were occasionally glancing at them.
---*---THE END---*---
Friday, March 20, 2009
What will I be born as in my next birth?
The very first answers to this question were provided to me by good old stories of Hinduism. Based on the actions (Karma) I perform in this life time, my soul will be born again, to live the reactions of those actions. And the cycle of action and re-actions continue for ever, until, I live a life which will have actions and the reactions of which I will bear in the same lifetime. The whole objective for an individual soul is to arrive at a balance of action-reaction in the same lifetime, so that the soul is liberated from the cycle of re-birth.
I never understood this whole concept of re-birth. There are number of unanswered questions like,
How do we define an action in non-relative terms?
What is soul?
What happens to my soul when the cycle ends?
What is the meaning of liberation of soul?
I think the critical thing in this whole theory is the identification of entity called as “Soul”. There is no physical definition of this, and philosophies term it as related to the spirit of an individual. Soul is the spiritual me or whatever. The definitions are so vague and there is total disconnect from relating this to any of the physical elements was too-much for me to comprehend.
Human body is group of Atoms. Any matter is a group of Atoms, assuming Atom is the most elementary particle of any matter. (For the folks interested on the most elementary particles, please read on String Theory.) I tried to relate the soul to the physical entities understandable by me. I could come up with some definitions as below,
- The sum total effect of all the Atoms (elementary particles) in any matter can be termed as Soul.
- The first Atom of a matter when formed can be termed as Soul. (E.g. First atom formed due to a reaction of Sperm and Egg)
- An important “group of atoms” which define a matter to its core can be termed as Soul (E.g. Group of Atoms in some part of brain)
For me, the definition in Point 1 made a lot of sense. Each Atom of any matter has some sort of energy (polarity or electro-magnetic energy or whatever) in it. What defines an individual is the sum total of all these energies put together, such an important grouping defines an individual (any matter) can be termed as Soul. Whereas going by my physical definition, the Soul is ever-changing, it is changing every milli-second with the numerous amounts of chemical reactions, transformations happening in a human body (Any animal, tree, thing, for that matter). For e.g. when I eat a piece of matter (food :-)), there are new Atoms which are joining my system as proteins, carbohydrates are whatever. In the same way when I excrete, the Atoms which can not attach to me are thrown out of the system.
Having defined soul, the next step is to identify my future life using this definition of soul. When I die, according to my caste, my body will be burnt. My body will be transformed into various different forms of matter like, Gases, and Ash. There is no loss of atoms; it is just that the bonding which was holding them together disintegrates. This disintegration leads to the transformation of grouping of atoms to various other forms of matter. The ashes will be immersed in the water, a fish might eat that (part of me becomes part of fish), bigger fish eats the smaller fish, cat eats the bigger fish, dog eats a cat, so on and so forth. The atoms which were forming me, has dispersed and transformed into various other forms of matter, hence killing "Me" completely.
The above flow has basic conflict with the general theory of reincarnation, which is, Soul is immortal and Soul is carried forward to my next birth. Where as in my definition, soul disintegrates completely, and dies (Liberation?). Fortunately or unfortunately I subscribe to my theories only until proved wrong, and hence, though there is a conflict with age-old theory, I stand by mine. The thought that I die, is a comprehendable and safe option for me to live my life now.
As I was writing the above, I realised I had missed an important point. All those, Atoms which formed me, had a bonding of some sort, to be part of me. With the natural process, I have selected certain atoms to be part of me and rejected (excretion, vomit etc.) certain types of atoms. The reason an atom is part of me is because, it has found a natural bonding with my other atoms (electro-magnetic force?). In summary, all atoms which have made me, have found a natural bonding (natural attraction, natural affinity etc.) to be part of the group called me.
As I live my life, the energy polarisations (electro-magnetic force) which define these atoms, would have changed in some way depending on the way I have lived my life. The principle of atoms changing because of group behavior (Me) is similar to, “People in the same place (China, South Indian, Mangalore etc. etc.) typically look the same”. It is the set of individuals who make up the group, and these individuals typically have a common factor to be attached to the group. Going further, group characterstics gets built over a period and the individuals attaching to the group implement the group characterstics in them to be part of the group. In summary, concept can be simply defined as "group characterstic changes because of the individuals", and "individual characterstic changes because of the group".
Applying this concept to an "individual atom" which has formed "Me", all the atoms which have forrmed "Me" define "Me". Also, because of the group characterstic of "Me", each and every individual "Atom" which has formed me would have changed to implement the characterstic of "Me". When I die and get burnt, my soul disintegrates and I am re-born as various other forms of matter (atoms intergate into other forms of matter after I have burnt). My next birth is multiple (Trillions of Trillions probably :-)) lives. I guess it must be fun.
In summary, there are 2 answers I could arrive to my important question,
1) I die after I die
2) I will have multiple lives after my death as human
The second option looks more realistic to me, and I prefer that as the final answer for my next birth.
If you see a piece of wood after my death, love it, it might be me :-)