Friday, January 16, 2009

Logical Architecture of Brain

A brief description of the different components of the architecture are provided below.

Senses: Various Senses of the Human Body receives inputs from the external world. The inputs are termed as eyes seeing something, ears hearing, tongue tasting, etc. etc. Each and every sense of human body is passed to “Processor” of brain to perform an action.

Processor: Processor can be termed as the engine of brain. The Engine is triggered by an input request. Input can be either from an “External World” or from an internal “Background Process”. Processor identifies the relevant rules from the “Rules Storage” according to the input, Arrives at the result, Stores in “Memory” or/and Passes a message to perform an action to relevant “Body part”.

The process of starting from an input till deciding on a action is called “Thought”.

To relate this to the computer world, Processor (CPU) is running a thought (thread) to perform an action according to the defined rules and objectives (Programs) on the data available in memory (Database).

There are 3 different processors, which can run multiple threads at any point of time. These processors are built for a specific purpose and have the ability to pass a thought across to another processor based on the defined Rules and Objectives.

The different processors or

a. Background Processor – The purpose of the background processor is to perform the house-keeping operations for rules, objectives and memory. A thought in the background processor is not triggered by any input. Some examples of house keeping are
  1. Arrange and label (Indexing) the memory according to the ever changing rules and objectives.
  2. Prioritise the data in memory and move the data to “Memory Cache” according to the rules and objectives
  3. Provide inputs to Sub-Conscious processor in case of any exceptions to the rule found while house-keeping

As an example for point 3, a person might have taken a decision sometime (week, month, year, infinite) back. But after a certain amount of time, the person realises what he did was not correct. This might happen at the middle of the night, when he is thinking of completely unrelated subject, etc.

Another example of Background Processor is a person wakes up fresh every morning after a good nights sleep. Sleep is when the background processor is most active and house-keeping operations performed by it is what makes the mind fresh.

b. Sub-Conscious Processor: The purpose of the Sub-Conscious processor is to collect the inputs, validate rules and perform an action as defined by rules. Sub-Conscious processor is a low energy consuming processor. The Sub-Conscious processor can also be defined as the processor which works in a mechanical/defined way. Any exception in this process of thought, the thought will be transferred to the Conscious processor. Some real world examples of Sub-Conscious processor are
  1. A person is walking on a road, steps aside when a tree comes in the path without even realising. The decision is Sub-Conscious and the person doesn’t realise this had happened.
  2. A person doesn’t touch a fire as he knows Sub-Consciously that his hand will burn.
  3. People doing monotonous jobs use Sub-Conscious processor only.
  4. Sub-conscious processor is typically associated with all scenarios related to “inactive state of mind”.
  5. Involuntary activities are performed by Sub-Conscious processor. (Heart beat and various other functions of body)

c. Conscious Processor: This processor has the sole responsibility of creating, changing and deleting rules and objectives. This is highly energy consuming process as creating, changing or deleting requires the validation of multiple existing rules and objectives in the system. Conscious processor when using high energy levels can reduce the working of Sub-Conscious and Background processor to reach the result.

The process of using the full energy reducing the working priority levels of other 2 processes to minimum is called as “Concentration”.

Sub-Conscious processor whenever finds an exception scenario in its process, passes the thought to Conscious processor to create, change or delete rules and objectives. Real world examples of using of Conscious processor are
  1. Reading a book
  2. Playing a game actively
  3. Person reading a news paper suddenly transfers to active state of mind when he sees the news of Aliens in his city. An example for shifting of thought between Sub-Conscious to Conscious processor.
  4. Conscious processor can typically associated with all scenarios related to “Active state of mind”

Rules and Objectives Storage: This is the component which has the ability to store and manage the relationships of various rules and objectives using which the processor has to work.

a. Rule: Rules are always created with a definitive result. Processor uses each input to look-up the rules related to that. Each thought in the brain system will validate multiple rules. Though the result of each rule is always definitive and absolute, the end result of all the results might not be definitive. In scenarios like this, the processor uses the collective result and validates it with the defined “Objectives” to perform an action. Every action performed by Brain is defined by the rules and objectives, Even if a brain decided to take No-Action, it is defined by rule whose end result is "Take No-Action".

Rules can have all sorts of relationships anybody can perceive. Rules can be configured to override certain rules based on some other set of rules. Rules can be written to In-validate rules in certain conditions. Etc. Etc. There is no-restriction, constraint to define any sort of rule by any Processor. Rules are always specific to each brain.

Some examples of Rules are,
  1. Touching fire will burn the hand
  2. A person defines a rule that, eating sugar is bad.
  3. A person defines a rule that, "do not drink alcohol". Person also defines the rule that "alcohol is fun". When in a party with friends he decides to drink in-spite of the rule as Objective of “Having Fun” takes priority.
  4. Person has created a rule that, gambling is the only way of making money.

b. Rule/Objective Formation: Brain when created always comes with some basic rules/objectives associated with them. These basic rules are termed as “Instincts”. These are installed into the system through Genes. Though over a period of time, with creation of more and more rules, these “basic rules” can be changed by the Processor. There is no restriction towards changing of any basic rules during the lifetime knowledge earning of an individual. E.g. People committing suicide, swamis not having sex, homo-sexual people etc. fall into a category of people who have changed the basic rules (instincts).

Memory: This is the component which is designed to store huge amount of relational data in the system. The data store can manage N-Dimensional relationships between different pieces of data in the store. Data of a life time of an individual has to be related at each level for easy search and access by the Processor. In a typical scenario, Processor applies various rules on the data to arrive at the result.

Memory Cache is an area, which is used for quick access. For example, a student studying for an exam the next day, sets up the priority of the objectives so that, the data related to exam is available in Cache for quick retrieval.

Another example is, 2 individuals see the same movie. But after an year, one individual is able to remember the hero, heroin, music director etc. of the movie and the other is not. The basic difference between the 2 individuals is the priority given to this data by these 2 individuals is different. Priority in-turn is dependent on the rules and objectives of both the individuals.

Actions: Any activity, movement, of each cell of human body is performed by the process of a thought in one of the processors. In case of an input to the Processor discarded by a rule, "No-Action" taken by body is also considered as "Action".

-- Madhukar Hebbar


Madhukar Hebbar said...

I challenge one and all in this universe to disprove the architecture. :-)

VidyaShankar Harapanahalli said...

Its easy Boss, how do you explain intuition and creativity? And human being inventing something which was not all existed before...

Madhukar Hebbar said...

Creativity - Inventing Something --> Knowledge never constraints you to create something new. It always helps. To take an example of Invention of Electricity. The "Input" is internal. Mind is driven by a rule which says "I want to try if X is possible". Objective which says "I want to achieve this" Over a period of time after various steps of learning (update of rules and memory), understanding (update of rules) you will achieve X. That is if it is practically possible. Every individual has done it starting from his kid days to adult days, he has learnt a lot of things.
In short, a rule which says, "I do not know certain things" becomes important in the process of creation.

Intuition --> Intuition on a thing is again defined by Rules and Data in memory. It is just that, Sub-Conscious processor has processed that and given a result in super speed.
Lot of times, "Intuition" is misunderstood with "Guess". Even guess is made based on rules and data in memory.
The data and rules are so many, that normal individual can never understand how he got the result.

Madhukar Hebbar said...

Intuition --> We have all gambled at some point of time.

What do you bet on? Intuition of a professional gambler or Your Intuition?

You are Cricket fan and I am not. Whom do you bet on? Your Intuition or My Intuition?

waiting for more to disprove theory :-)

Atmaram said...

Why should anybody disprove it
The terminologies may not be medical but the architecture without going into microscopic details is absolutely fine.
I challenge you to write something which is not accepted universally and then challenge katte to disprove it

Shetty said...

Hebbar, Define briefly the process of 'love' with the above 'architecture' and 'entities' :-)

VidyaShankar Harapanahalli said...


Falling in love or love feeling are not 'Brainy Things' so your question is out of scope :-))

Shetty said...

Come guys, I expected better than that, if there is an explanation for creativity and intution, why not love?? :-)

Slightly more complicated though!! Too many scenario's. Mr.Hebbar, your reply would be ground breaking, if explained accurately you would be the pioneer of electronic pets who respond to emotional stimuli, and thats just the start :-)

Madhukar Hebbar said...

Shetty, Feeling of Love is the output action given by the processor.

The input is a mixture of external and internal dependent on scenarios.

The rules which define how a person will love is defined by "affection", "Liking", "Instinctive Rules (reproduction)", "Security" etc. etc.

Memory is the location where characteristics of different individuals a brain has seen is stored. It also has the outputs of the "rules" stored in its memory at different points of time.

Example: Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi worked on a very simple rule saying "Everything in the world has its place and it needs to be accepted and Loved". They lived their life with this "Rule". They didn't have much contradictions.

Example 2: Falling in Love at first sight.
Most human beings is trying to Understand new people they meet and store it for future reference. When this new individuals initial characteristics, match with "Pass" on most of the internal Rules. The definition of "Most" is again derived by "Objectives" of that individual. Then the output is a love at first sight.

Please comment.

I am not sure how many different varieties of "Rules" can be there and how to structure them. The same goes with how best to structure the memory. Currently my efforts are towards understanding that. The day I define the structure of the "Rules", a computer can emote :-)

Madhukar Hebbar said...

All, Thanks very much for all your questions and comments.


I do not know if such a compartmentalization of brain exists anywhere. Atleast I didn't know it when started off.

This is a result of my "me trying to understand myself" exercise. The "detailed design" of all elements is what I am trying to understand in the future.

I think I need to explain why I challenged. The reason was so that, every one of you question the architecture wildly. So that I can think and get clarity of the subject for myself. In the process if somebody gets a value out of it, I am happy.

Atmaram said...

Dear Hebbar
It was probably an engineer's version of the complex architecture of the human brain.
Medically everything we see, hear, feel, touch... is conveyed to the brain via millions of nerves in the form of an impulse.
The brain puts few of them in memory, but discards some.
Anyway I dont want to give you guys a medical lecture, it was a good post but I did not see anything to challenge the architecture. it is what i have been taught from my first year in medicine

Shetty said...

I am not completely convincev, but I will let it pass, its due to my dis-inclination to get into trivial matters.

I liked the love at first sight part. Its surely half right

Madhukar Hebbar said...

Thanks for all your thoughts despite of my arrogance in challenging. appreciate all thoughts. Thanks again.